Wednesday 25 March 2015

I'm writing, nudge nudge, a book

Perceptive readers will be aware that your host is none-too-well at the moment, which isn't exactly a state conducive to political activity. I've decided to make a virtue of a necessity and write a book.

The Fires of Molech will be published by Zero and is about religion, politics, and violence. It's an attempt to think through these issues, which are of pretty obvious contemporary relevance, from a left-wing perspective. It will include, for instance,  stuff about the place of religion in modern society, a critique of liberal approaches to religion, reflections on Islamophobia, and discussions of the potential for left-aligned religious thought and practice.

What, other than narcissism, causes me to tell you this? Well, partly it's a thoroughly generous forewarning, so that you can save up your pennies, leave space on your Christmas lists, and so forth. But also, it's pretty likely that my blogposts over the coming month will focus on this area. So apologies in advance if it ain't your bag - I'll throw you the occasional bone of economics or irrational loathing for Jim Murphy just to keep you hanging on.

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